When I was 14 years old, I decided my goal in life was to get a 6-pack.
“Why?” you ask.
In gym class, as a part of our weightlifting unit, we were told to do 40 v-ups in as few sets as possible. Guess how many I did?
That was it. I thought I was going to die. My midsection burned like crazy.
More importantly, I was mortified as my classmates ripped off seemingly endless v-ups around me.
So, I vowed to obtain that 6 pack and do my v-ups religiously. Suddenly, 40 v-ups weren’t difficult. I moved to 50, then 60, and then 70 consecutively.
I accidentally stumbled upon what would become one of my life’s passions: gaining muscle.
I’m here to give you some of the Do’s and Don’ts for gaining muscle while staying lean and maintaining a great A1c at the same time.
Eat a caloric surplus
Contrary to what anyone may try to tell you, resistance training and type 1 diabetes mix, and they mix very well. You can find countless reasons in the archives on this site.
But for gaining weight, especially muscle mass? It’s about balance. Balance, patience, and consistency.
No matter how you slice it, weight gain of any type, muscle included, requires a caloric surplus. Why? Because you’re creating new tissue. You can’t create something out of nothing.
You need inputs (calories) to create outputs (lean muscle mass).
Let me repeat: you will NOT gain weight OR muscle if you are NOT in a caloric surplus.
However, don’t let this fool you: the “See Food” approach of “I see it, I eat it, with no regard to caloric content except for the insulin I take” is not the optimal way to gain weight. You’ll be chasing high and low blood sugars constantly with the massive amounts of insulin you’ll be taking, and the majority of the weight you gain will be fat.
I personally prefer a slower, more methodical approach to weight gain. Put simply, you determine your caloric maintenance – how many calories are required for maintaining body weight – and then add 200-300 calories or 5-10% of total calories on top of that number.
You can learn how to easily find your caloric maintenance level in this post!
Don’t rush the process
Why so conservative?
Muscle gain is not linear or fast
If your resistance-training program is doing its job, you should be making steady progress in the gym during this time in a caloric surplus, whether it is increases in your load (amount of weight you are using) or increases in your volume (sets and reps).
However, in ideal conditions, the maximum amount of muscle you can build in a week is ½ lb. That’s assuming everything is PERFECT. Women, cut that number in half. That rate is for new lifters: the more experienced you are, the slower that rate will be.
That being said, why overload your body with excess calories if only a moderate percentage will turn into the lean mass you desire?
Less fat gain
Raise your hand if you enjoy insulin resistance, decreased levels of testosterone (with corresponding increases in estrogen), and making life more difficult for yourself for no reason.
No one? That’s what I thought.
Too high a surplus leads to more fat gain, which activates the aforementioned mechanisms, which primes the body to lay down even MORE fat while making it tougher to add muscle.
Slow and steady wins this race.
Easier to manage blood sugar levels
In my experience, it is quite a bit simpler to factor in a modest increase in calories into my insulin-dosing regimen than a huge increase.
While the occasional day of a 1000+ caloric surplus is doable and manageable, it’s a lot more playing catch up of blood sugars on the back end – the spikes are higher, the crashes are lower, and insulin sensitivity changes through the day and even by the meal.
Throw in some meals where the macros are a mystery, and let the roller coaster ride begin!
Eat enough protein
Protein consumption aids in satiety, muscle protein synthesis, recovery from workouts, post-meal blood sugars, and a myriad of other benefits that could be a whole separate article.
To make a long story short: you need it to be at your best, and you need it in adequate amounts.
No, you won’t need to eat pounds of meat or drink six shakes a day. Without boring you with too much biochemistry and research, the American College for Sports Medicine recommends a daily intake of 0.5-0.8g/lb and multiple studies recommend 0.6-0.8g/lb, with no real benefit beyond 0.8g/lb.
Don’t worry about being perfect
Nothing feels worse than having your diet absolutely on point for the day, testing your blood sugar at 1130pm, being 54, and eating what seems like everything in the house.
We have type 1 diabetes. Life happens. Your blood sugars may run high one day and you may not hit your caloric goal, or you may have a low and overeat.
Do not stress, my friends. That solves nothing and actually may make your blood sugars worse.
Diabetes control comes before anything else. To perform at our best in the gym, on the field, or wherever we may be, blood sugar management is the key to success. If everything is haywire, forcing things will get us nowhere.
Remember: your calories are like a bank – if you withdraw too much one day, make up for it the next day by reducing calories a little. If you undereat one day, eat a little more the next day. This principle can be applied to both muscle gain and weight loss.
Suggested next post: How to lose weight when you live with diabetes
I am trying to figure how to powerlift while keeping my blood sugar from dropping. I am a woman with type 1 – started with body builder trainer because I want to build about 8 pounds of muscle and losing 8 pounds of fat. Any suggestions on how to approach this – I am on a pump and cgm
Christel Oerum, MS
If your workouts tend to make you drop during or after you have two options, either adjust your insulin or eat a snack. Since you want to build muscle you might benefit from a small carb/protein snack before your workouts. I go over (in detail) how to adjust your insulin per the official guidelines in this video: https://youtu.be/6qZu7knO1pE?si=05M_O4BrT8IEfyZ7
I’ve been a type 1 diabetic since I was 10. Not just a type 1 diabetic, a brittle type 1 diabetic., I’m 52 now. Yes 42 years of type 1 diabetes!!! I go to the gym 5-6 times a week. I have a minimum of a six pack, sometimes an 8 pack. I’m not bulky, but have muscle mass and am pretty ripped. My now retired endocrinologist asked me a few years ago what I did to stay so healthy. I told him diet is very important, lots of protein, good fats and I minimize my carb intake. I am human and do have sweets. But I feel the most important thing I did was exercise. I am not going to kid you, getting to where I am is a lifestyle. Is it worth it, absolutely!!! My last A1C was 6.2 and I haven’t seen an A1C close to 7 in 20 plus years. I have been on the Omnipod for 17 years, pump therapy was a game changer as well. Fight the good fight fellow diabetics
Vanie narein
I am currently pre- diabetic since 2020 i found out when i was pregnant. Anyway im trying to achieve something better out of it . I am losing weight like nothing and im 5’6 sbout 134 lb now . I cannot lose no more weight i use monk fruit liquid sugar but i drink coffee once or twice,a day
Christel Oerum
That sounds like a healthy weight for your height, but if you still want to lose more weight you have to think about that ultimately (and simplified) weight loss comes down to calorie balance. I’d suggest finding a way to cut your calories back slightly or add more activity to your day to get back into a calorie deficit.
Hi There,
I am continues loosing weight , lost 6 kgs in 3 months but my concern is how to gain muscle what diet plan to follow as I can completely understand body is not using insulin properly and loosing fat everyday.
Any suggestion on weight gaining , I am type 2
Christel Oerum
If you’re eating enough and still losing weight you might not have enough insulin on board, meaning you’re basically peeing out the energy you eat. So I’d suggest you start with a discussion with your doctor to see if you need different diabetes medication or your medication adjusted. Once your medication is adjusted, you need to follow a meal plan that has protein and enough calories to put you in a calorie surplus combined with resistance training. You’ll know that you’re in a surplus once you start gaining weight. I’d suggest you use an app like MyFitnessPal to track your progress and caloric intake, it’s free
I really enjoyed reading your articles. I am type 2 diabetic and currently using the dexcom to monitor my sugar high and lows. But I am looking to lose weight, what do your suggest? I reduced my calories and I am working out 2-3 times a week (walking) but, I am not losing. What can you suggest? Thank you!!
Christel Oerum
Stick with what you’re doing for 2-4 weeks and then make changes to achieve your goal. You can either add more activity or cut slightly back on your caloric intake. Remember that if the goal is also to build muscles, you’ll probably get more out of watching your body fat percentage than your weight