Key Points:

  • Rybelsus, an oral GLP-1 agonist containing semaglutide, was approved by the FDA in 2019 to manage blood sugar in type 2 diabetes.
  • It helps lower blood sugar and A1c levels, supports weight loss, and may reduce the risk of cardiovascular death in people with diabetes and heart disease.
  • It is taken daily on an empty stomach, starting with a dose of 3 milligrams (mg) and potentially increasing to 14 mg based on tolerance and blood sugar management.
  • Common side effects include gastrointestinal symptoms like nausea and vomiting, with serious but rare risks such as thyroid tumors and pancreatitis.
Image of Rybelsus packages

Rybelsus, approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2019, is designed to help manage blood sugar levels in adults with type 2 diabetes

This article will cover everything you need to know about its benefits, usage, and more.

What is Rybelsus?

Rybelsus is an oral medication in tablet form, specifically approved for managing blood sugar levels in people with type 2 diabetes. 

As a glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) agonist, its primary ingredient is semaglutide, which is also found in injectable medications like Ozempic and Wegovy. Unlike these medications, Rybelsus is not administered by injection.

This medicine works by decreasing appetite and slowing digestion, which helps delay stomach emptying, allowing you to feel fuller longer and helping with weight management. 

Rybelsus also increases the release of insulin from the pancreas and reduces glucagon production from the liver, improving insulin sensitivity and reducing overall blood sugar and A1c levels.

When combined with regular exercise and healthy dietary habits, Rybelsus can be taken daily alongside other diabetes medications such as metformin or insulin to optimize blood sugar management.

What are the benefits of Rybelsus?

The following are ways that your health can be improved by taking this medication: 

Blood sugar management

Rybelsus has proven effective in lowering blood sugar levels. 

Clinical trials have shown that people with an A1c of 8.3 percent can reduce their levels by 1 to 1.3 percent when taking the medicine. 

Consistently lower blood sugar levels can help prevent long-term complications of diabetes and improve overall quality of life.

Weight management

Although not approved solely as a weight loss medication, Rybelsus can aid in weight loss and maintenance

In the OASIS 1 trial, participants lost an average of more than 17 percent of their body weight over 68 weeks, with 40 percent of participants losing 20 percent or more of their body weight. 

The best results are achieved when combined with increased physical activity and healthy dietary changes.

Learn more in: Rybelsus for Weight Loss: Everything You Need to Know.

Cardiovascular health

According to research, Rybelsus significantly reduces the risk of heart-related deaths by 51 percent among people with type 2 diabetes who also have heart disease, making it a vital tool for managing health risks associated with diabetes. 

While it helps lower the risk of death due to heart conditions, it may not reduce the risk of cardiovascular events.

Why would you be prescribed Rybelsus?

Rybelsus is typically prescribed to people with type 2 diabetes who are experiencing insulin resistance and have difficulty managing their blood sugar levels through diet, exercise, and other medications alone. 

This medication offers a targeted approach to improve blood sugar control and can also aid in weight management.

Additionally, Rybelsus may be prescribed to those with both type 2 diabetes and existing heart disease. In such cases, it acts as a protective agent to enhance both metabolic and cardiovascular health. 

However, it’s important to note that Rybelsus is not suitable for everyone. Its safety has not been established in people under 18 years of age, and its use is tailored to specific scenarios where it is deemed beneficial by healthcare providers.

What are the side effects?

Rybelsus can cause a variety of side effects, with the most common being nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomachache, constipation, heartburn, gas, lethargy, and headache. 

Less frequently, it may lead to more serious conditions such as thyroid tumors, pancreatitis, vision changes, kidney issues, low blood sugar, mental health changes, and severe allergic reactions. 

Those on insulin therapy may also experience hypoglycemia (low blood sugar)

Immediate medical attention should be sought for severe reactions.

Learn more in: Rybelsus Side Effects: What You Need to Know.

What are the doses?

Rybelsus dosages are tailored to individual needs, considering health history, treatment goals, and lifestyle. 

Typically, treatment begins with a starting dose of 3 mg daily for the first 30 days to allow the body to adjust to the medication. 

Depending on your response and tolerance, the dose may then be increased to either 7 mg or 14 mg taken once per day. 

It is important to consult your doctor before adjusting your dose and to stick strictly to the prescribed amount to avoid complications.

See more in: Rybelsus Dosage Guide: How Much Should You Take?

How much should I take?

The appropriate dosage of Rybelsus should be determined in consultation with your doctor, taking into account your individual health needs. 

Typically, treatment starts with 3 mg daily, taken on an empty stomach. 

If there are no adverse side effects after four weeks, the dosage may be increased to 7 mg once daily. 

If blood sugar levels remain high without adverse effects, the dosage can further be increased to the maximum of 14 mg daily. It’s important to never take two doses on the same day.

What happens if you take too much Rybelsus?

Overdosing on Rybelsus can lead to severe side effects, such as:

  • Debilitating nausea 
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Stomach pain
  • Constipation
  • Loss of appetite
  • Hypoglycemia

The risk of serious complications increases, especially if you are also on insulin therapy — in such cases, hypoglycemia can become life-threatening quickly. 

If you suspect you have taken too much Rybelsus, it is critical to seek emergency medical attention immediately or call the Poison Help line at 1-800-222-1222.

Can I miss a dose?

Missing a dose of Rybelsus occasionally is manageable. 

If it happens, take your next dose as soon as you remember, but ensure it’s not within 24 hours of your next scheduled dose to avoid doubling up. 

Missing one dose won’t cause insulin resistance or significant weight gain. However, for peak effectiveness, it’s important to take the medication consistently as prescribed, so regular misses should be avoided.

How to take Rybelsus

Take your Rybelsus dose at the same time each day to maintain a consistent level in your body.

It is most effective when taken on an empty stomach, ideally in the morning before breakfast.

Swallow the tablet with no more than 4 ounces of water.

After taking Rybelsus, wait at least 30 minutes before eating or drinking anything else to ensure maximum absorption and effectiveness.

Unlike some other diabetes medications such as insulin, Rybelsus does not cause acute low blood sugar.

Who shouldn’t take Rybelsus?

Do not take Rybelsus if you have not been prescribed the medication. 

It is not recommended if you are pregnant, planning on becoming pregnant, or breastfeeding.

Rybelsus is not recommended for people without diabetes, those with prediabetes, or anyone with type 1 diabetes, unless they are under the direct supervision of a physician. 

It is FDA-approved only for adults aged 18 and older. 

Additionally, avoid using Rybelsus or any medication containing semaglutide if you or any family member has a history of medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC) or Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia syndrome type 2 (MEN 2).

Do not use Rybelsus if you are allergic to semaglutide or any of the medication’s other ingredients or if you are already taking any other GLP-1 agonists. This class of medicines includes:

  • Byetta, Bydureon (exenatide)
  • Victoza, Saxenda (liraglutide)
  • Trulicity (dulaglutide)
  • Rybelsus, Ozempic, Wegovy (semaglutide)
  • Adlyxin (lixisenatide)
  • Tanzeum (albiglutide)
  • Mounjaro (tirzepatide)

How do I stop taking my Rybelsus?

If you’re considering discontinuing Rybelsus, it’s important to speak with your healthcare provider first.

Abruptly stopping any diabetes medication, including Rybelsus, can lead to adverse effects such as elevated blood sugar levels, increased insulin resistance, and weight gain. 

Work with your provider to develop a gradual weaning plan to safely reduce and eventually stop the medication. Your doctor can also recommend alternative treatments to manage your blood sugar levels effectively.

Can Rybelsus replace insulin?

No, Rybelsus is not a replacement for insulin. 

While it can be used alongside insulin to manage diabetes more effectively, it does not eliminate the need for insulin.

Even if you are prescribed Rybelsus, continue taking your other diabetes medications, including insulin, as directed by your doctor. 

Rybelsus can enhance insulin sensitivity, which may reduce your insulin requirements over time, but it is important to follow your provider’s instructions regarding insulin usage, especially for mealtime control.

Can I take Rybelsus with other diabetes medications?

The compatibility of Rybelsus with other diabetes medications depends on the specific drugs you are using. 

While it can be safely taken with insulin and metformin, Rybelsus should not be combined with any other medications that contain semaglutide, such as Wegovy and Ozempic. 

Additionally, as noted above, avoid using Rybelsus with other GLP-1 agonist medications to prevent adverse drug interactions.

Always consult your doctor to ensure that your medication regimen is safe and effective, particularly before starting Rybelsus or making any changes to your current diabetes treatment.

How do I store Rybelsus?

Store the tablets in their original bottle to ensure they stay in good shape. 

Keep the bottle at room temperature, ideally between 68 to 77 degrees Fahrenheit (20 to 25 degrees Celsius), and in a dry place away from moisture. 

This helps ensure the medication remains effective and safe for use.

How do I get a prescription for Rybelsus?

To obtain a prescription for Rybelsus, schedule a consultation with your healthcare provider. 

Discuss your current health condition, particularly if you are experiencing insulin resistance and have been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. 

If Rybelsus is determined to be suitable for your treatment plan, your doctor can write a prescription based on your specific needs.

Learn about the most commonly prescribed medication for type 2 diabetes in Everything You Need to Know About Metformin. Did you find this article helpful? Click Yes or No below to let us know!