Let’s get rocking!

Grab a pair of dumbbells and you’re good to go. This is a full-body resistance training workout you can do at home, in the gym, in the yard or wherever you prefer to do it.

I like the idea of having workout programs in my repertoire that aren’t too complicated and only require little to no equipment.

All the equipment I used for this workout was a pair of dumbbells and my furniture. Nothing fancy, but effective and easy to do. No excuses for not getting my workout done.

Even if you don’t have a set of dumbbells, not to worry, just do the exercises with your bodyweight or check out my post about creative ways to use everyday items for resistance training.



Do 3 sets of 12-15 repetitions (reps) for each exercise. That means that you’ll do one exercise for 12-15 reps, rest for 30-60 seconds, do 12-15 more reps, rest again, and then do the last set of 12-15 reps.

The reason why I’m giving you a range is that you should pick a weight that really challenges you between 12 and 15 reps. If you can only do 11 reps, the weight is too heavy, and if you can easily bang out 15, it is too light.

Of course, you probably don’t have dumbbells of every different weight at home, so use whatever you have. If you only have light dumbbells and 15 reps feel too easy, just keep going for as many reps as you can.

As always, when you do resistance workouts, please remember that you may see an impact on your insulin sensitivity 24-36 hours after your workout, so be diligent about watching your blood sugars. If you aren’t used to resistance workouts, I really recommend you read my post about how resistance training affects your blood sugar before you do this workout.


Hip BridgesHip bridges

1) Lie on your back with the hands by your side and your knees bent so the soles of your feet are on the floor.

2) Pushing with your heels, lift your hips off the floor while keeping your back straight. Contract your glutes for a second at the top of the exercise.

3) Slowly lower your hips back to the starting position.

Dumbbell deadliftsDumbbell deadlifts

1) Stand with a dumbbell in each hand.

2) Bend at the waist while keeping your back and legs straight until your upper body it is almost parallel to the floor. Let your arms extend straight downwards from your shoulders.

3) Using your hamstrings and back muscles, straighten your body back to the starting position.

1-arm dumbbell rows1-arm dumbbell rows

1) Place your right knee and your right hand on the couch or bench for support.

2) Use your left hand to pick up the dumbbell on the floor and hold the weight while keeping your lower back straight. The palm of the hand should be facing your torso.

3) Pull the dumbbell straight up to the side of your chest, keeping your upper arm close to your side and keeping the torso stationary. Concentrate on squeezing the back muscles once you reach the full contracted position. Also, make sure that the force is performed with the back muscles and not the arms.

4) Lower the resistance straight down to the starting position and repeat the movement for the specified number of repetitions.

5) Switch sides and repeat again with the other arm.

Plant with shoulder tapsPlank with shoulder tap

1) Start in a push-up position with your arms fully extended, your body in a straight line, and up on your toes. If this is too hard, start on your knees.

2) While keeping your body as stable as possible, bring one hand up to tap the opposite shoulder. Place that hand back on the floor before repeating to the opposite side.

3) Focus on keeping your core tight throughout the exercise.

Upright dumbbell rowsUpright dumbbell rows

1) Hold a dumbbell in each hand. Hold your arms extended downwards in front of your body so the dumbbells are resting on your thighs.

2) Use your shoulders to lift the dumbbells. The dumbbells should be close to your body as you move them upwards until they nearly touch your chin.

3) Pause for a second at the top of the motion before lowering the dumbbells back down slowly to the starting position.

Triceps kickbacksTriceps kickbacks

1) Stand with a dumbbell in each hand and your palms facing the sides of your body. Bend slightly in the knees and bend forward at the waist until your torso is almost parallel to the floor. Keep you back straight and your head up.

2) Keep your elbows close to the side of your body and your forearms pointing down towards the floor

3) Keep your upper arms stationary and use your triceps to lift the weights until your arms are fully extended along your body. Your forearms should be the only body parts moving.

4) After a brief pause at the top, slowly lower the dumbbells back down to the starting position.

Superset triceps kickbacks with dumbbell hammer curls 

Dumbbell Hammer CurlsDumbbell Hammer Curls

1) Stand with a dumbbell in each hand and your palms facing the sides of your body.

2) Slowly curls both dumbbells upwards using your biceps. Keep your elbows along the sides of your body. Your forearms should be the only body part moving.

3) After a brief pause at the top, slowly lower the dumbbells back down to the starting position.

For more workouts you can do at home, please see my Workout Video Library